We are pleased to announce the lucky prizewinners in our recent prize draws.
The first draw was for clients who had recommend us to a colleague, who went on to become a client.
The winner was Ralph Stobart of Bright Lake Consulting Limited, Bright Lake Consulting works with medium and large private and public sector organisations to help them improve performance. They use a participative approach to design how clients can find sustainable solutions and lasting improvement. They work with leaders and staff, enabling them with methods to follow the customer’s journey through the organisation and then help them to use this knowledge to challenge and improve. Congratulations!
The second draw was for participants in our recent customer survey.
The winner was Jane Lloyd, from Amaranth Lloyd Limited, Jane describes herself as “Jane Lloyd, Free-Range Human and Specialist in Management & Personal Development”. Again congratulations.
They each win a Silverstone Super Choice Voucher, to partake in a track experience of their choice at the SIlverstone Race Circuit.
We will be holding further draws in the future so watch out for further news.